Unlike most vegetables, potatoes are not started with traditional seeds or seedlings. Instead, potato plants for production are usually started with seed potatoes or potato tubers with germination eyes. The potato is a favorite and versatile food that is easy and cheap to grow. Home gardeners “choline” potatoes traditionally to encourage them to produce many roots and thus many tubers. This method takes up some space and chances are you won’t get all the potatoes out of the soil when you harvest. Grow bags for potatoes are an excellent solution for gardeners of terrace or small space.
To harvest, lift the cylinder and pull back the soil to expose the tubers. My first year of growing potatoes, I used the trench and mound method. This is the basic and proven method of growing potatoes that farmers have used for centuries only for the backyard. One method that is more “approved” by experienced gardeners is to cut the seed potatoes into pieces, each with at least two eyes, growth nodes where shoots will appear. Wait until the cut surfaces have “calluses on” and let them sit for a few days before planting. Mix a slow-release organic fertilizer through the potting soil.
For best results, look for certified seed potatoes that the government has declared disease-free. Potato tubers develop on stolons that grow from the lower stem of the plant, not on the roots of the plant. Because potato tubers develop from stolons on the lower stem, “rise” or cover the tubers because they develop above the roots and native soil level. Cash crop bags are made with dense and heavy polypropylene. Put a few inches of a mixture of soil and compost on the bottom of a bag, then plant three or four pieces of seed potato and cover them with 3 inches of soil. Keep adding soil while the plants grow until the bag is full.
One of the biggest advantages of growing in pots, boxes or bags is the ease of harvesting: just throw away the container and pick up your potatoes. Monique hilling potatoes in the High Mowing TrialsHills course. This is the traditional method used by our parents and grandparents and it is most practical for large plantations. To be successful, you need to prepare an area by tilling or twisting and raking the soil so that it is soft and loose.
When transplanting potatoes, place the seed pieces or very small seed potatoes in grooves 3 centimeters deep, at a distance of 6 to 12 centimeters apart. The closer the distance, the smaller the harvested Kartoffeln anbauen potatoes. Let them stand until the shoots come out of the ground. Once the shoots are about 8 inches long, carefully place them with more soil. Leave about 4 centimeters of the top of the plant exposed.
Each piece of seed potato needs at least 2.5 – 3 liters of potting soil to become a full-size plant. That means if you’re using a container the size of a 5-gallon utility bucket, you can plant 2 pieces of seed potato in it. Make sure the container has drainage holes and use high-quality potting soil with a fertilizer mixed 50/50 with compost.