Using a bud or scraper also means you run the risk of damaging your eardrum. Although a medical evaluation is normally performed before treatment begins, it is generally a safe procedure for everyone, even for people with hearing problems or conditions such as perforated eardrums. Microsuction is a “dry” procedure and therefore carries less risk of infection after treatment than water-based treatment options, such as spraying or irrigation. This is not recommended because the earwax is often pushed deeper inwards and runs the risk of damaging the ear canal. Also, avoid ear candling as they have no proven benefit in removing earwax and can cause serious injury.
Occasionally, earwax can accumulate in the ear canal and cause hearing loss or discomfort. For many people, Microsuction offers a quick and lasting solution to hearing loss. Years of excessive laundry accumulation can be gently removed, providing an immediate improvement in your quality of life. It helps protect and clean the inside of the ear by creating a natural protective layer.
We are experts in earwax removal, which is why other doctors come to us for training, through our gold standard Ear Care and Microsuction Training Course. It is designed to protect our ears from foreign bodies and infections with its antibacterial and lubricating properties. Those who wear hearing aids, have anatomically narrower or hairier ear canals, or who use cotton swabs are more likely to produce a larger volume of earwax. Symptoms such as earache, dizziness or hearing loss may indicate an obstruction in the ear due to excess earwax. Because ears are so sensitive, they require careful attention during each ear cleaning procedure.
Too much earwax can develop as a result of a very narrow or abnormally shaped ear canal, frequent use of earplugs, cleaning the ears with cotton swabs or for other unknown reasons. If home treatment doesn’t work, you’ll need to make an appointment to see a qualified professional. Earwax microscopy is a medical procedure and as such should be performed by a professional. The Hearing Care Professional is a London-based audiologist who specialises in all areas of hearing health and care, including earwax microscopy. Ironically, the biggest cause of excessive earwax buildup is people who use home treatments to try to get rid of it.
Microsuction as a tool for removing earwax has been around for a long time. In general, most otolaryngology departments used microsuction to remove earwax from the ear canals of people with perforations or large cavities after mastoid surgery. The reason was simple, removing earwax with water can be dangerous for these people.
It’s very loud and can be a scary experience for children whose hearing aids have been removed and can’t verbally calm down, so it’s important to fully explain it to the child beforehand. Earwax only causes a problem if it is pushed into the ear, as this can block the ear canal. You should never try to remove the earwax yourself, because if you put something in the ear, the earwax will be pushed deeper, with the risk of hearing loss and injury. The ear canal produces earwax to protect the ear from dust particles and dead skin and to protect the skin of the ear canal from irritation. Excess earwax usually leaves the canal and enters the ear opening naturally and then washes, but often the earwax builds up and blocks the ear, causing discomfort, hearing problems and sometimes pain.
It involves using a low working pressure air extraction device to remove earwax, all done under an operational microscope. It is the safest and fastest way to easily remove earwax and allows full visualization of the ear canal so that any contact with the sensitive skin layer or fine hairs in the ear canal can be avoided. It is advised that wax softening drops are used by patients a few days before they are present for removing wax.