Drywall corner finishing and taping process explained

If you’re planning on doing any drywall work, then you’ll need to know how to finish corners. In this blog post, we’ll explain the process of finishing drywall corners, including taping and mudding. We’ll also provide some tips on how to get a professional-looking finish.

The Tools You Will Need

There are a few tools you will need to complete the drywall corner finishing and taping process:

-A putty knife

-A hawk

-A bucket of mud

-A roller and pan

-A corner brush


First, you will need a putty knife to apply the mud to the corners. Next, you will need a hawk to hold the mud while you are applying it. You will also need a bucket of mud, a roller and pan, and a corner brush. Finally, you will need sandpaper to smooth out the corners once the mud has dried.

The Materials You Will Need

The tools and materials you’ll need for this job are:

– a utility knife

– a straight edge

– a pencil

– a putty knife or 6″ drywall knife

– mud pan and hawk

– pre-mixed joint compound (also called “mud”) or all-purpose joint compound

– paper or fiberglass tape

– corner bead (optional)

– curing compound (optional)

You may also need these additional items:

– screwdriver

– hammer

– pliers

– level – 12″ is sufficient for most jobs

The Process

If you’re finishing drywall in your home, you’ll need to know how to properly tape and finish the corners. The process isn’t difficult, but it does require a few steps to ensure a professional looking finish. Learn more about 3 Way Corner here.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to taping and finishing drywall corners:

1. Cut the corner bead to length. You’ll need to cut the corner bead to fit the length of the wall. Use a utility knife or tin snips to make clean, straight cuts.

2. Apply adhesive. Spread an even layer of adhesive on the back of the corner bead using a putty knife or other similar tool.

3. Press the corner bead into place. Make sure that the corner bead is pressed firmly into place so that it adheres properly.

4. Apply joint compound. Using a putty knife or trowel, apply joint compound to the seam where the two pieces of drywall meet. Be sure to smooth it out so that there are no gaps or uneven spots.

5. Tape the seam. Place strips of drywall tape over the joint compound, pressing them down so that they adhere properly.

6. Sand the area smooth . Once the joint compound has dried, sand down any rough edges or bumps with fine grain sandpaper until the area is smooth .

Finishing the Job

Once the drywall is up and the seams are taped, it’s time to finish the job by mudding and sanding the corners. This process can seem daunting, but with a little practice it’s not too difficult.

To mud a corner, start by applying a thin layer of joint compound to the seam with a putty knife. Then, using a metal corner bead, press it into the wet joint compound. The goal is to create a nice, even surface that will be easy to sand smooth later on.

Once the metal corner bead is in place, apply another layer of joint compound over top. This time, use a wider putty knife to spread it out evenly. Be sure to feather the edges so that there are no harsh lines. Know more about Drywall Corner Finishing here

Allow the joint compound to dry completely (usually overnight) before sanding. Use a fine-grit sandpaper or pole sander to smooth out the surface. If there are any irregularities, simply apply another layer of joint compound and sand again until everything is nice and smooth.


If you’re planning on finishing your own drywall, it’s important to understand the process of corner finishing and taping. By following these tips, you can ensure a professional-looking finish that will last for years. With a little patience and attention to detail, anyone can achieve great results when finishing their drywall corners.