Video Games

Playing WoW in this way creates cognitive and social bridges between online and offline worlds, offers a more objective perspective on the use of MMO and enables better self-regulation. Therefore, playing with friends can affect problematic game levels by mediating immersion and improving real-life relationships, increasing social and psychological resilience (Colwell, 2007; Hull, 2009; Wack and Tantleff-Dunn, 2009; Snodgrass et al., 2011a; Trepte et al. 2012). The social interactions that take place in and out of the MMO game have proven to be very social and offer opportunities to create strong friendships and emotional relationships with a high percentage of players who make lifelong friends and partners (Yee, 2006; Cole and Griffiths, 2007). We suggest that video games naturally have design elements tailored to the characteristics of well-being, and that playing video games can provide opportunities for thriving mental health.

While some users participated in the environment to make friends and form supportive social networks, others used the environment to be powerful by achieving goals. Positive relationships within online video games are associated with social and emotional support capabilities. In a recent survey, two-fifths of the study participants said they would discuss sensitive topics with their online gaming friends that they would not be discussing with their real friends, with the players most likely to do so . Two-fifths of the participants had met their friends online in real life, suggesting that online video game is a social activity that allows for social connections. A third of the participants were attracted to another player (26% men compared to 42% women), suggesting that MMOs provide a safe environment for players to get emotionally involved.

While immersive states are associated with video game engagement, video game environments also provide opportunities to develop and maintain positive relationships. Positive relationships are considered to be very important for psychosocial adaptation and the well-being of children, adolescents and adults . The way in which positive relationships are defined is transition, as many young people form and maintain what they consider to be online friendships (Amichai-Hamburger et al. 2013). MMO players under the age of 18 have reported that friendships they form online are similar or better than their real friends . WoW players report that they create social capital through online gaming with players who use the game to expand real-life relationships, meet new people, and form relationships with different strengths (Williams et al. 2006). These are just some of the possible side effects of mental health video games, although it is important to note that most can be avoided.

This assessment of the state of research connecting video games and flowering, and the role of video games and technology, considers the potential of video games to improve mental health and well-being. While the article focuses on the potential positive effects of the video game, there has been a long history in literature of highlighting the negative effects of video games, and this contribution is being properly observed. Traditionally, much of the video game research has focused on the negative effects of playing such games, especially the effects of playing violent video games. This research has provided information on ways in which pre-existing features can make some young people vulnerable to the negative effects of video games, although more research is needed.

The results suggest that less psychosocial well-being was more of a cause than a consequence of pathological play (Chak and Leung, 2004; Ko et al. 2005). Maybe they were bullied at school and when they got home they were bullied on social media. That’s the only place they can immerse themselves and escape the emotional pain of real life. I mean, yes, there was a time when I played too much and I had a negative effect on the rest of my life. This literature search would suggest that the video game has the potential to improve satisfaction with life and improve the mental well-being of individual players.

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