Process Serving: An Overview

Process serving is the process of delivering legal documents, such as subpoenas and court summons. You can hire a process server to do this for you, or you can find information about how to serve someone yourself.

What is Process Serving?

A process server is a person who delivers legal documents to individuals involved in a court case. The documents may be delivered in person or via certified mail, depending on state law. Process servers are also responsible for filing proof of service with the court.

Process serving is an important part of the legal system, as it ensures that all parties involved in a court case are properly notified of the proceedings. This allows everyone to have their day in court and ensures that the process is fair.

Why Process Serving?

There are many reasons why process serving is an important part of the legal system. Process servers ensure that individuals who are involved in legal proceedings are properly notified of those proceedings, which allows them to make informed decisions about their case. Process serving also allows for the efficient and orderly resolution of legal disputes by ensuring that all parties have received the necessary paperwork in a timely manner.

What You Need to Serve Someone with a Summons

Assuming you have been designated to serve someone with a summons, there are a few things you will need in order to complete the job. Most importantly, you will need a copy of the summons itself. This document will provide details on what the individual is being summoned for, as well as any other pertinent information.

In addition to the summons, you will need to be prepared with a few other items. These include:

-A valid form of identification

-Proof of your appointment as process server (usually a letter from the court or attorney)

-An extra copy of the summons, in case the person you are serving refuses to accept it

-A way to document proof of service, such as a digital camera or smartphone

Forms of Service

There are several ways that process servers can serve papers to a defendant. The three most common forms of service are hand delivery, substitute service, and constructive service.

Hand delivery is when the process server physically hands the paperwork to the defendant. This is the most reliable form of service, but it can be difficult to accomplish if the defendant is avoiding contact or is out of state.

Substitute service occurs when the process server leaves the paperwork with someone else at the defendant’s home or place of work who is over 18 years old. The person receiving the papers must then sign an acknowledgment of receipt and deliver them to the defendant as soon as possible.

Constructive service happens when the process server posts a notice of the lawsuit in a public place near the defendant’s home or workplace and mails copies of the paperwork to the defendant at their last known address. Constructive service is usually only allowed when other forms of service have failed.To learn more about Process servers Chicago, visit the page.

How Much Does Process Serving Cost?

The cost of process serving varies depending on the complexity of the case, the number of attempts made to serve the papers, and the geographical location of the person being served. In general, process serving costs between $40 and $100 per attempt.


Process serving is an important part of the legal process, and it is a service that we take seriously at our company. We hope that this overview has given you a better understanding of what process serving is and how it works. If you have any further questions or would like to learn more about our process serving services, please contact us today.